Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Small Maine Wedding / Maine Wedding Photographer

     It was a week before the wedding, and the forecast was calling for torrential downpours on the wedding day, due to the first named tropical storm of the season.
     Usually when I photograph a wedding, we have the option to take some shots indoors at the venue, but this was a small, informal ceremony in Maureen Quirks beautiful back yard. I would also take a few photos afterward at Prescott Park in Portsmouth.
     All week long, I and I'm sure the entire wedding party, was sweating, watching the weather.  Finally...a ray of hope so to speak.  On Thursday morning they were predicting that the rain would hopefully be over by Saturday afternoon.  I crossed my fingers that they were right since the wedding was at 2:30.
     Saturday started out cool, and dreary, not to mention wet.  The weather man however, kept promising clearing skies and warmer temps.
     Sure enough, just as I was leaving my house for the drive to Kittery, Maine, the skies cleared.  By the time I arrived at Maureen's house the weather was absolutely beautiful.  You would have never known that a storm had just gone through.  It was a wedding day miracle.
     Lexie arrived with her mom, her 2 dogs in tow.  She was radiant, dressed in a beautiful, flowing, floor length dress.
     We all headed down to the lovely garden where a white arch had been placed for the ceremony.  The couple was joined by their parents. So, with 6 people and 4 dogs in attendance, the ceremony began.  It was a beautiful, and intimate ceremony where the only "drops of rain" were from the eyes of family and friends.  No matter how many weddings I go to, I always have a hard time keeping my eyes dry.
     The ceremony was followed by a toast with champagne, after which we headed over to Prescott Park for some photos.  This gorgeous couple was wonderful to work with.  They perfectly complement each other... such wonderful personalities.  I found myself wishing that I had more time with them.  I wish them every happiness as they strike out on this journey together.  I truly hope I am able to stay in touch with them as their family grows.
Congratulations Lexie and Steve xoxo

Steve xoxo

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