Friday, September 7, 2012

Kindergarten for Jake

Well it's the end of the second week of school for Jake. He just started Kindergarten last week.  I thought I would be a mess watching him go off  on the bus by himself but I wasn't.  Not sure if it's because I was able to go to school with him on the bus the first day to see his classroom and meet his teacher.  Or maybe I am just ready to let him go just a little bit.  I do remember in his first year of life, fretting occasionally about when he would have to go off to school.  Wondering how on earth I was going to be able to deal with that without having a breakdown.  Plus all the stories of mothers crying just as much as their kids on the first day and even staying the whole time in the parking lot till school was out.  I totally thought I would be this mom.  But when he got on the bus by himself that second day and waved to me from the window, all I felt was pride and awe at how big my baby has gotten.  I swear he has to be one of the sweetest boys ever and I'm so very proud of my baby boy!! 

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