Monday, October 8, 2012

Excited to try a new book

As I have said, before, that I am an avid reader.  I enjoy darker novels with romance and suspense.  I wanted to share this book giveaway with you.  It looks like a really good read.

I will very soon be starting a book club blog for those of you who would like to follow what is on my kindle. Stay tuned..

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fronctoberfest 2012

Every year, around this time, we get invited to a huge camp-out at our friends' house in Plaistow, NH.  This family has a huge, huge yard with two fire pits, a swing with clubhouse, trampoline, dune buggy and, now, a zip line.  I didn't get to take a ton of pictures because I was to busy trying to keep tabs on all three of our kids.  Here are some of what I got.  Enjoy : )

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lila's 1st Dance Class

Little miss Lila started her dance class and loved it!  I was worried because she is rather young for the class (she will be 3 in November) that she wouldn't take to it.  Well she is just as excited about her dance class as Jake is about his soccer.  So cute watching these little girls twirl around and march about in tap shoes.  I can't wait till next spring when she has her recital!!  Don't mind the glare in the pictures, I was shooting through glass. : )

End of Summer Fun

We finally pulled out our little fire pit.  Last year, we had a fire almost every weekend.  This year, for some reason, we only did it twice.  With the fire pit comes s'mores, and happy sticky kids.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the s'more eating, because I was just as sticky from eating them myself!  Sticky s'more fingers + camera = no good!!

Love the face Jake!

Ava, Jake's BFF

This girl ALWAYS has dirt on her when she's outside!!! 

Jake's 3rd Soccer Season!!

This will be Jake's 3rd soccer season.  He totally loves it!  He can hardly wait the whole week for Saturday to come around, so he can play.  I am constantly telling him to take off his cleats in the house!  I didn't take these pictures; my step dad did.  I rarely take my camera to the field.  It's a bit too much for me trying to photograph the game while watching my two little mischievous girls at the same time, so I leave the photos up to the grand folks. : )

Isabella's Cake Smash / New Hampshire Portrait Photographer

I have had these in my camera for a few weeks, because my computer USB broke, and I couldn't upload them.  Well, just last night I got a brand new desktop - top of the line, in fact!  So here is my daughter, Isabella's cake smash.  Her birthday was September 5th.  We are so blessed to have her!