Friday, June 8, 2012

Baby Adeline / Massachusetts Portrait Photographer

     I met Julie and John while walking the Lowell General Cancer Walk a few weeks ago.  My husband works for Lowell General and runs the cancer walk every year.  I was walking with a few of his friends because I hate running with a passion, and see no point in it unless I am being chased by a bear!  Anyway, back to the topic.  They were walking with my group and I noticed that they were pushing a stroller with the cutest little baby girl sitting inside.  I am such a sucker for babies!  This is probably why I have 3 of my own :)  Her name was Adeline and she was 3 weeks old!  She was such a cute little peanut.  I asked if they had pictures of her yet, they said no, so I handed them my card to have them contact me.  A few days later I received an email asking when we could do the shoot.: )  The next Saturday in 90 degree weather, I drove up to their historic mill building condo to take pictures of the beautiful Adeline.  I was met by John down at my car to help bring up my equipment.  We chit chatted on the way up and as we entered the condo I was about to ask him to turn the heat up a bit so that Adeline would be comfortable and sleepy in her "birthday suit",  but I guess their air conditioner was broken so it was PLENTY warm enough. This is good for taking pictures of a sleeping naked baby, not so good for the adults in the room!  I swear after each newborn session I loose about 5lbs in water weight!  I set up my stuff and got started.
    The light in their house was perfect!  They had enormous windows that let in a ton of beautiful natural light.  If you're a photographer, you know what I mean.  With every picture I took, and looked at the LCD screen on my camera, I got a little chill because I knew they were coming out so well!  It helped that  Adeline was such a sweet little thing.  She slept most of the time, and when she was awake, she was looking at her parents making cute little faces at them for my camera to catch.  Such a cutie!!
     When I arrive at someones house, after our greetings, I usually ask to walk around the space in order to find the best lighting to photograph in.  Well I was pleasantly surprised with Julie and John's bedroom. The bed  had a crisp white comforter, and the prettiest pillows with wonderful colors and designs.  The large windows lent a perfect light, and  along with the gorgeous wedding pictures on the sill  it made an ideal setting for such a beautiful baby.  It all looked to perfect!  This spot became the background for one of my favorite pictures of the shoot.
     We wrapped Adeline in a Banana Republic scarf that I had brought with me (hey I will do anything to make a picture perfect).
      I am so glad I got to meet Julie and John, they are such a sweet couple and I thoroughly enjoyed photographing Adeline.  She is going to grow up to be beautiful just like her mother.: )

I hope you enjoy the picture as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Above was my favorite photo from the shoot!

The faces that she was making were so cute!

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